Version, Date + Individual: Releases |
G U R U S 2 0 0 0 (26.04.2002 - 21.10.1999) |
21.04 26.April 2002 |
HTML: Bugfixes! |
21.03 20.March 2002 |
HTML: New design |
20.09 14.September 2001 |
HTML: Reduced 60%! |
Guide: Deleted 2 pictures and the "Future"-Page. |
18.12 02.December 2000 |
HTML+Guide: Bugfixed! |
18.08 01.August 2000 |
HTML+Guide now seperate. Bugfixed! |
18.07 29.July 2000 |
My Homepage: |
HTML+Guide: NEW EMail-Adress! 9 pics deleted! |
18.06 06.June 2000 |
HTML: Bugfixed!!!!! Completely overwrought. Better HTML. Thanx G�nther Klug v. Biedermann! |
HTML+Guide: Page "Major" deleted. |
Guide: Bugfixed!! |
17.02 27.February 2000 |
HTML+Guide: Bugfixed! |
17.01 01.January 2000 (Millennium-Version) |
HTML: Improved design. LINKS-Page added. |
HTML+Guide: 6 Gurus added. Little variances. Thanx Eugen! |
16.10 21.October 1999 |
HTML+Guide: Completely overwrought. 8 Gurus added. Bugfixed!!! |
G U R U S 9 9 (23.05.1999 - 11.01.1999) |
15.05 23.May |
HTML: Improved design and fit for Unix. Little variances. Bugfixed! Thanx Himanshu Gohel! |
15.04 07.April |
HTML: Improved design. |
15.02 20.February (Update) |
Choose your own picture viewer, so it becomes graphics-board compatible. Bugfixed! |
15.01 11.January (Alert-Version) |
Completely overwrought. Infos from LastGURU (engl.) added. 83 Gurus added. Improved installer. LastGURU 1.0
deleted (redundant). Installer and .readme in german and english. File_id.diz. HTML-background deleted. New pics.
Little variances. Bugfixed! Thanx Thomas Richter for Alert 1.0! |
G U R U S 9 8 (06.10.1998 - 31.01.1998) |
14.10 06.October (LastGURU-Version) |
LastGURU from Timo C. Nentwig added (see Instruction). History shortened. Little variances. Printbutton in bugfixed! |
14.09 20.September |
ShowGuru und Gurus98 zusammengefügt (ähnlich wie Showguru farblich abgesetzt. Improved instruction. Little variances. More HTML-Backgrounds. |
13.08 28.August (HTML-Bugfix!!) |
ShowGuru bugfixed und aus HTML aufrufbar. LHA-Archiv jetzt halb so groß. Improved installer. |
12.08 21.August (HTML-Bugfix!) |
History and installer shortened. Improved HTML. Bilder ansehbar und bugfixed. Browser compatible. |
11.08 03.August |
An Guru 1.3 angepaßt. Showguru included in 24 Gurus added. History shortened. ASCII-Banner and "Future"-Page added. Little improvements. NewIcons. |
10.01 31.January |
Completely overwrought. Verzeichnis ShowGuru in einem File zusammengefaßt. Instruction added. Printbutton in Seite Version durch Bild ersetzt. History umgedreht und gekürzt. Neue Bilder bei den Credits. HTML verbessert und von dort aufrufbar. The pages Author und Major modified. Improved installer. New icons. 3 Versionen von Gurus98 zur Auswahl. |
G U R U S 9 7 (31.12.1997 - 02.08.1997) |
9.12 31.December (Silvester-Version) |
Little variances. HTML completely overwrought. |
9.10 24.October |
Little variances. Author-Pic added. History shortened. HTML with icon and bugfixed. Thanx Thomas Carstens! |
9.82 13.August |
16 Gurus added. HTML overwrought. Bugfixed! |
9.8a 05.August (Update) |
HTML with background picture. Bugfixed! |
9.8 02.August (Thanx-Version) |
120 Gurus added.. "Unknown" Gurus and the song deleted. More color, more buttons and installer. Improved design. Thanx Matthias Henze! |
G U R U S (10.07.1997 - 12.04.1997) |
8.72 10.July |
An Guru 1.2 angepaßt. 6 Gurus added. Little variances. |
8.7 05.July (ShowGuru-Version) |
Completely overwrought. Informativer durch ShowGuru 4.1. Übersichtlicher gestaltet. Versionsanzeige korrigiert. Bugfixed!! |
7.6 15.June | als HTML beigefügt. 50 Gurus added. Bugfixed! |
6.5 08.May (Vatertags-Version) |
Many Gurus added. Neue Anordnung auf der Main-Seite. Kleine Verschönerungen. Bugfixed! |
5.5 06.May (Aminet-Version) |
First Aminet-Version! 1 Guru, 1 song and 1 picture added. Install-Button for the fonts. Bugfixed! Thanx l`Trimm! |
4.42 30.April |
Credits-Page added. History comfortable. More buttons. Major-Page added. Thanx l`Trimm! |
4.4 26.April (Birthday-Version) |
Gurus auf "DBPAL:HiresFlimmerfrei" abgestimmt. Empfohlen ist Super72:SuperHiresInterlace. Clearer and informative. Bugfixed! |
3.43 21.April |
Main-Button highlighted. Gurus with icon and with Main-Button. |
3.42 20.April |
Clearer and some Gurus added. |
3.4 18.April | added (Synopsis). |
2.4 12.April |
Guide and some Gurus added. |
G U R U S . d o k (11.04.1997 - xx.04.1997) |
1.4 11.April |
Version-No. and some Gurus added. |
0.4 xx.April |
First version. |